The major religions and their religious scriptures, hell is described as a place of next world for the eternal punishment of wrongdoers. However, most of the religious groups express different views over the topic. Some of the groups consider hell to be an intermediary period between incarnations. Conversely, others refer consider hell as a place under the earth where the sinners have to stay in hell after their death to get proper punishment for their misdeeds. The theological view is that the hell is a place where unrepentant sinners will be sent after death as a consequence of proper judgments of God. Calvinists, conversely enough, believe that hell is an outcome of transgression committed by the people. On the other hand, a group of people suppose that the punishment of hell will not last forever. According to Gregory, 2009, hell is everlasting in effect, not in time.
Human beings consider hell a type of place where offenders must get penalty by the demons of hell. Their sufferings and torments will know no bounds. Further they suppose that the place will be filled with souls of dead people that will be burnt with blaze. Most of the religious groups condemn sin because of their beliefs which state that the ultimate wage for laps is the eternal torture in hell. The sins committed on earth will determine the amount of sufferings one will undergo in hell. Most religious groups narrates that the hell is a region with full of blaze with painful and torturous environment whereas other think that the hell is cold, despite the description flames of hell. The Christians believe that Jesus Christ was died in order to redeem the offences of the wrongdoers. Thus, according to Lutzer, 1998, if Christs sacrifice was for all men, then either all men will be saved or god will be unfairly demanding from the sinners what has already been paid. Henceforth, the most common question arises whether hell exists at all or not. Since Jesus Christ has already paid the price for the sinners, thus there is no question to reside in hell of the miscreants. Furthermore, if hell exists then it must be a place where people will remain for a limited phase of time and then all of them will go to heaven.
Traditional view
The people of different periods developed numerous views on the issue of hell. The beliefs of the old ages tell that the souls of sinners will be turned into hell immediately after their death. Nevertheless, during the resurrection the souls then reunited with their bodies and it will cause joy to the saved and pain to the reprobates. The traditional view of hell states that the people die without accepting Christianity will be separated from God and will suffer for the perpetual period. A popular belief is that hell is a place that involves fire and smoke, as indicated in the New Testament. Hell is considered a heinous place as well where tortures and punishments take place. Such view, considers that the part of the body that committed the sin is punished. For instance, those, that blaspheme will be hanged by their tongues, as a punishment for the sin committed by that particular body part. Adulterous women who use their long hair to seduce men must be hanged by their hair or neck. Almost similar type of punishment will be imposed to the slanderers who chew their tongues, and hot irons used to burn their eyes. Different evils committed on earth are punished in hell. For example, murderers are put in deep pits that have worms to eat off their flesh and reptiles with poisonous venom to inflict eternal pain and suffering to the sinners.
The people who performed righteous deeds will be the residents of heaven. On the other hand the people who spent their life committing evil deeds will be the residents of hell. Yet, those who believe in such ancient view and environment of hell are more practical while they describe the environments of hell. According to the Bible, the scenery of hell is illustrated as the kingdom of the dead where the wrongdoers go to sleep, are inactive and unconscious. The Holy book of Christians, however, narrates hell as an environment where those that committed sin will be blazed and devoured by worms for eternity. The eternal fires are described as the entire consumption of the body by fire, and not literally meaning the continuous consumption of the dead bodies by fire for eternity . The traditional view of sin that leads people to hell is greater misdeed deserves more anguishing punishment than the norman sins. For instance, a person who by any chance slaps a king would get harder punishment than a person who slapped a pauper. The bible teaches that for those who are not penitent, there are consequences after death. There are other arguments about defenders of a traditional model of hell. For example, if everyone goes to heaven free is no longer important. That means, in heaven, if God lets everyone go on their desires to lead a righteous life then such sovereignty of choices may be changed according to the predetermination of destiny.
Traditionalists also use religious scriptures to support issue of eternal punishment since they believe in the existence of both the good and evil activities. The scriptures depicts that the resurrection will be given to all of those who live godly lives. However, the Bible describes that the sinners have to face the awful judgment and they will be sentenced unimaginable punishment. In this case, the traditionalists argue that punishment of wrongdoers involves the consumption of the dead bodies by enraging fire that leaves no part untouched. Such believe does not embrace the eternal consumption of fire in hell . According to the intertestamental literature, the description of the unending suffering that takes place in hell for the wicked is said to be a view of the Jews. This involves eternal torture of the wicked, where they will be consumed in the boiling blood and be burnt in raging fire.
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Metaphorical view
A second approach says that the nature of hell is referred to as one of the metaphorical views. It denies the biblical support of the existence of the netherworld. The figurative observation of hell can be regarded as an amendment to the conventional assumption of the scenery of hell. In this circumstance, hell is thought to be a place of unending torture but it does not like that the punishment is the physical torture that involves burning of the flesh. The allegorical analysis of hell refers to the pain of being alienated from God. Consequently, the people who conveys such notion assume that will not help the late sinner rather they believe that the punishment of soul is much anguishing than on the body. This view then describes hell as a separation of the wicked from God eternally without the hope of being conventional blazing place. Therefore, the primary objective of the metaphorical view is to instill mental torture in non-believers and emphasize over the information that the hell dweller will not face any bodily pain. It is significant to notice that the disagreement with the conventional vision does not amend the environment of hell because it remains as a region in the afterlife. The symbolic outlook of hell typically represents hell as a incongruous and abstract aim that may be appeared after the ultimate judgment. The sulfuric smoke and the images of fire should never be taken literally. This is because they are exaggerated vignettes destined to convey the grave nature and consequence of the decision of God and the significance of aligning the life of any person according to Gods will. It is worth noting that metaphorical view of hell has never denied the existence of hell. It merely challenges the representation of horrific purity that has developed from revelation in the Bible.
Annihilation view
Annihilation view of hell refers to the belief that the fate of the sinners is final, literal as well as gloomy. Moreover, it refers hell as an environment of everlasting torments as wrongdoers will be alienated from God. In the annihilation observation of the environment of hell, some apocryphal books state that sinners undergo punishment on earth as opposed to the traditional view of torture in the afterlife. This view is mostly embraced by some religious groups such as the seventh day Adventist, Jehovah witnesses as well as Sabbatarian churches. In this case, the belief concentrates on the fact that God will be the one who condemns the evils about the sufferings on earth. Universalists state that it is unbearable for God to let his people suffer in eternal torture. God will allow the non-believers save their lives by enabling them undergo a gradual transformation through the process of death. Annihilation teaches that God will destroy the wicked and leave the righteous live in immortality. This will happen regardless of whether or not God will use hell to punish the sinful generation. Jesus will welcome the devout and reject the wicked. The Christianity view of the parable explains that there are two destinies in life: the current life we live and the afterlife. The godly will enjoy paradise and the ungodly will go through tortures as a punishment for their sins. In the Universalist view, some Christians believe that God will save every human being, and thus no one will be destined for the eternal punishment .
The Book of Revelation describes the idea of the ultimate moment which shows the way of overcoming evil by God . Therefore, it is very simple for the believers that the endless hell fire will get support in favor of their observations in the environment of hell. The idea of supporting the unending penalty in hell is seen in the theory of Wrath of God and the image of the passage of fire and the next death.
The idea of anger of God assumes that three angels will be announcing the concluding judgment of God. The third seraph loudly shouts out that anyone who turns his back on God will be beleaguered with flames and Sulphur while the seraphs and God will keep watching the circumstances of the wrongdoers. The conservative view of this passage becomes the most significant text that supports the conventional environment of hell. These interpretations can be the proof of an eternal torment which discloses a want of sympathy of the extremely figurative language of the passageway.
In Revelation, the passage of flames is described four times. Such account of fire can be found in the Bible where traditionalists find the scripture that illustrates the existence of blaze. There are several proofs a researcher can get. The Bible says that the beasts and the false prophet will be thrown into the fire of hell. It is narrated for the second time where the result of Satans final enormous attack against God is illustrated. The Gods throwing of the devil into the passage of blaze enhances its residents. The third and fourth references are found where all the wicked are also thrown into the fire. It is apparent that there are expanding as all evil powers and people ultimately get the ultimate chastisement in the passage of flames. Traditionalists attempted to prove that the importance of inclusion of the pond of fire in the Holy scripture is that it confirms there remains eternal torture in hell. The fifth and the crucial contemplation is the reality that the pond of flames is defined as the next death. Some traditionalists interpret the second death as the final disconnection of evildoers from God, not as the final end .
There are lots of different religions and views in the world, however the outweighing majority of them describe some place, where the souls of the sinful go after the death. However, since nobody knows for sure whether such locations really exist and if they do what is going on there, and then there are different views on such netherworld. The two most popular beliefs are that either the souls physically suffer or that the punishment is the eternal ignorance by God. Therefore, such lack of the knowledge allows a lot of thinking and interpretation of the Holy Book for everyone.
My Position on behalf of and against the Existence of Hell
Since all the scriptures of this world say that the hell exists. These religious books provide some hypothetical evidences in favor of the existence of hell. We all know that, since the time immemorial, there is strong dominance of religion in the peoples minds. Most of the people want to abide by the rules and regulations of religion. The atheists are different in this regard. The existence of hell gets much priority to the theists indeed. Since I am a theist, I strongly believe that the hell exists. However, it is not the matter of religious belief through which we can say whether the hell exists or not. From inauguration the religions the existence of hell and heaven debate survives. In religious cases if a person wants to prove the hells existence through materialistic view, it will be nothing but waste of time. Since all the prophets sent by God said almost same thing that God exists, heaven exists, and hell exists. They wanted the people obey the rules and regulations of the religion. Thus, if a person has faith on the religion must believe and testify that the hell exists. However, the existence of hell cannot be proved by the law of science. Hence the problem arises. If an atheist wants the proof about the existence of hell then a theist becomes fool. He fails to give proper answer in favor of his belief. I too often faced such type of harassing situations. Facing such type of conditions, confusion may arise in mind that really the hell exists or not. The bible says that the Christ sacrificed his life for the sin of his followers. Thus all the Christian people will go to heave without any problem. The most significant question arises here. If the hell exists then what will be the use of such place. On the other hand, as a believer, we cannot deny the Holy Scripture. I think there might be some kind of misunderstanding or the theme of Jesus death explained wrongly, because, at the same time both of the views cannot be true. If we believe that Jesus Was died for the repentance of the humanity, then the existence of hell becomes futile. On the other hand, if we read the Holy Scripture, it says the hell exists and the wrongdoer will be sent there for their misdeeds. We often fall in hesitation due to such contradictory views of the scriptures. The scripture says that the wicked people will be punished. Hence we can say that the hell exists.
Indeed, the existence of hell is true since most of the religion and the religious scripture testify about that. Though there are many debates in the issue, based on the scriptures, most of the theological scriptures provide logical evidences in favor of the issue. If we assume that there is no existence of hell then all the religious performances become futile. The people who want to perform good deeds expect rewards from God. Equally he fears the punishment of God. He supposes that if he commits some evil deeds then the punishment of hell will be imposed upon him. The people who perform righteous deeds expect that God will punish the evil doers. Thus if there is no existence of hell then all the knot of religious activity will be untied. Flaccidity may occur in the performances of the ordinary people. Human mind is very fickle and changeable. Thus, they may be involved in the evil deeds. Consequently the entire social, political and religious system will be demolished. Henceforth, we can say that the existence of hell is correct.