Good Marketing Essay Directions
A marketing essay is a piece of persuasive writing which is aimed at promoting a certain product. It can also present some marketing concepts of a particular enterprise. The chief purpose of preparing such papers by students is to advertise some services in order to persuade people to use them. Thus, marketing essays perform a detailed analysis of the promoted issues. Producing such academic works is very useful. They give us a clear understanding of what the basis of economy is. Besides, they provide us with valuable information about recently produced goods. Marketing research demonstrates which products hold firm positions in the market. If you follow the instructions mentioned below, you will know how to write a great marketing essay. Students, who are going to work on this type of paper, should consider various marketing essay topics and choose the one they are interested in. It is a key aspect of successful academic writing in different areas. Then, it is necessary to pick up a strategy and explore it. However, do not forget that you have to write a thesis first. It would be very good if you could base your work on a marketing aspect that is really worthy for the development of market economy. Different companies find such approach very effective. In this case, they know who they are going to address.
I really love that idea of the essay as an investigation. That's all anyone's life is. - David Shields
A top quality marketing work is a powerful tool in analyzing the market. When learners have a lot of material for writing their papers, they may not worry about the result. For this reason, it will be easier for students to conduct extensive research on the discussed topic. In addition, there will not be any difficulties in determining the products which should be implemented in the market. Writing a marketing plan essay is an excellent opportunity to take part in forming the market, defining some competitive goods in comparison with the others. It is necessary to remember that all marketing papers have to be well-structured. The most important thing is to provide readers with a well-written essay. It has to contain relevant information about the examined matter. A ready research has to present some facts concerning the quality of products and the peculiarities of a certain market sector. It has to lead to the logical conclusion or put forward fresh ideas for developing some innovations. It is absolutely clear that learners have to provide strong theoretical background for the explored strategies. When producing such type of college essays, there is no need to carry out more than one research to clarify your propositions. A good project will have positive influence on the readers. All the provided statistical data and arguments will help the audience accept the expressed ideas. While producing an academic work in marketing, it is good to use some dissertations that have been written in this field before. However, if you think that you will not be able to complete this assignment, address our company without hesitation. We are experts in writing exclusive college papers in different areas, including marketing. You can rest assured that you will get an essay written from scratch. It will not contain a single percent of plagiarism.

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Marketing Essay Topics: Learn How to Plan and Forecast in Marketing
Check out the following marketing essay topics to know for sure how to plan an effective paper:
- What tools can be used for achieving efficiency in making marketing decisions?
- Describe potential outcomes that may happen as a result of the marketing strategy that is currently being implemented in the UAE by Emaar.
- How can one apply SWOT analysis to assist companies in improving their marketing strategies?
- What are the aims and expected results of a company’s organizational function?
- What is the role of marketing in the general planning process of choosing the right strategies? What example of a company can you provide that has achieved success in the marketing process? On the contrary, which company needs more help with marketing improvement?
- Why is it significant for a company to have a clearly outlined stages of involvement as well as a global perspective?
- What are the possible marketing strategies for medicine against breast cancer and their potential results?
- What strategies can you think of when it comes to personal injury marketing and chiropractic services?
- Provide a critical analysis of the organizational approach applied by Aston Martin. Analyze the choice from legal perspective.
- What are conventional and current approaches to the advertising process in health care?
Another sphere of marketing that has recently developed is Internet marketing, which entails using different aspects of conventional marketing in the Internet realm. The core purpose of using Internet marketing is to popularize specific products and services online in order to win a larger clientele base. Moreover, Internet marketing assists in the process of interaction between businesses and customers as well as managing relationships with them. The central element in Internet marketing is the product or service that is offered to clients. If you are interested in the process of investigation different Internet marketing strategies, feel free to check out the following Internet marketing essay topics.
- What are the advantages that can be found in the online marketing of the Blue Ocean Strategy?
- How is online advertising used when targeting millennial tourists when it comes to destination marketing?
- How does technology impact the modern business environment, particularly the marketing research?
- How is Internet marketing impacted by the marketing fundamentals? Provide examples.
- What new marketing models are there nowadays that can attract inactive clients via digital marketing?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of using online advertisement in the social media networking?
- What the best strategies for implementing social media tools in the area of health marketing?
- Why is radio marketing less effective and popular than social media marketing?
- Is there a need to raise concerns about the exploitation of some social media platforms for the benefit of large corporations?
- Analyze the most important trends in Internet marketing nowadays.
If one wants to maintain a high brand, it is essential to learn how to manage its development from the initial stages. One needs to focus on such aspects as strengthening positive clients’ associations, instilling customers’ confidence in the brand, improving functionality and quality of the product, and providing the highest levels of service. Check out the following marketing essay topics on brand management.
- How useful is media marketing for entertainment companies?
- What communication challenges may arise in the process of leveraging social media networks and developing brand management?
- How does customer experience impact experiential marketing and loyalty to brands?
- Choose a specific company and analyze the role of a marketing manager in it. Moreover, provide a critical discussion and evaluation of external and internal factors that create threats or opportunities to the company.
- Choose a specific brand and analyze how it made a certain company successful.
- How do cultural factors and changes affect production of specific companies?
- Critically analyze and evaluate the brand strategy of Starbucks. What makes it so popular?
- Are discounts a means of reaching success and attracting customers for companies?
- Discuss multilevel marketing on the example of Herbalife.
- Discuss some famous TV series, for example The Game of Thrones. What makes its marketing strategy successful?
If you are interested in the principles of direct marketing, which studies the direct influence on the client to encourage him/ her purchase services and products, check out the topics provided below. These topics will help you investigate how to develop direct relationship with the customer.
Marketing Essay Topics on Direct Marketing:
- Can clients protect themselves from the influence of direct marketing strategies?
- Do you agree that direct marketing strategy is better than conventional one?
- What is the general attitude to direct marketing like?
- Choose a specific company and analyze its direct marketing strategies.
- What is the biggest impact of direct marketing on customers’ behavior?
- What is the influence of direct marketing on marketing communications?
- What are the core characteristic traits of direct marketing?
- How are products and services promoted online with the help of direct marketing?
- How is direct marketing spread via social media?
- Analyze the pros and cons of direct marketing.
Sample Essay on Marketing ( Batelco Marketing )
In the present day globalized telecommunication industry, the only invariable aspect is a change. Therefore, telecom managers need to have proper understanding of the business setting in which they operate in order to make strategic choices or decisions that can have tangible influence on their marketing efforts. One of the challenges for marketing executives in the telecommunication industry is to mine value out of the dynamic markets. The Batelco Group, {Bahrain Telecommunications Company (BATELCO)}, conducts its business in the MENA region and internationally. BALTECO serves the wholesale, corporate and consumer markets in Bahrain. The Group also delivers wireless and fixed telecommunication services to customers in Ascension Island, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, St. Helena, Jordan, Kuwait, the Isle of Man, Egypt, Guernsey, Jersey, Maldives, Diego Garcia, and the Falklands. In order to project market developments correctly and establish their company’s optimal competitive advantage or pricing strategy, the marketing team needs high-level marketing strategy and training programs. This paper explores Batelco’s online activities and its virtual presence. It also examines the Group’s customer service network and the services rendered to consumers. Further, it offers recommendations on how to introduce new products or services. Lastly, the paper outlines how the Group can improve customer service.
Online Activities and Virtual Presence
Virtual presence denotes existence in cyberspace or websites. In other words, virtual presence deals with shared awareness, existence and synchronous communication on the Web. Batelco online activities are interconnected with the services provided and customer service channels. For example, the Group’s internet and eServices include Broadband Business, Speed Test, Online-Marketing services, Webhosting, and eFax. The Group can be found in social media networks including Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. Its website is accessible either in English or Arabic language, hence increasing its online presence. Noteworthy, Batelco’s operations (online and offline) are regulated by Bahrain Telecommunications Regulatory Authority, Bahrain Bourse, Central Bank of Bahrain and the Ministry of Industry & Commerce. In March 2014, the Group had a market capitalization of about BD 582 million.
Customer Service Network
Batelco Group is a regional telecommunication (mobile) operator conducting business across the MENA region and internationally. It provides an array of communication services including mobile, data, broadband and fixed line services. Batelco Group operates in over 14 geographies: Ascension Island, Bahrain, Egypt, Diego Garcia, the Falklands, Guernsey, the Isle of Man, Jersey, Jordan, Kuwait, Maldives, Saudi Arabia and Yemen. According to the Batelco Group, the Group had a customer base of approximately 8.6 million in June 2013. Its operating companies or service providers include: Batelco Bahrain, Qualitynet Kuwait, Umniah Jordan, Sabafon Yemen, Batelco Egypt, Etihad Atheeb Saudi Arabia, Sure South Atlantic and Cable & Wireless Diego Garcia, Dhiraagu Maldives, and Sure Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. Having established its brand as a competitive and diversified regional mobile telecommunication operator with leading positions in the market, the Group continues to focus on sustaining and expanding its market leadership while growing its service network beyond the MENA region. As a key priority, Batelco’s objectives have been achieved through a multi-faceted strategy primarily focusing on optimizing the performance of the existing investments and operations while pursuing the strategic acquisition of broadband and mobile operators in the region as well as internationally to widen the scope of the Group’s network.
Services Rendered to Consumers
The Batelco Group offers a broad range of personal and business services to its consumer markets. Personal services include postpaid and prepaid packages, internet services and devices. Other value added services include TV Service (BlackBox), eFax, Security Solutions (CCTV), Broadband Repeater and Broadband in a Box. Broadband services are further decompressed to broadband SMS, Speed Test, and Security Awareness. It provides mobile services through LTE 800 and GSM 900/1800/2100. Batelco’s business mobility solutions include business mobile packages, BlackBerry, Mobile broadband, and messaging solution. Primary to the success of the Group in the MENA region, the company extensively invested in customer service through multiple channels, including electronic customer service portal, retail shops and modern call center.
The call center provides numerous services, including Blackberry service support, international call assistance, directory inquiry service, mobiles service support, internet services support, complaints and billing disputes, telegram service, bill inquiry, payments for all services and prepaid cards service support among others. Batelco eServices are divided into Mobile Services and Fixed & Broadband Services. Mobile eServices include Simsim Prepaid, Number Portability, and Application Forms. On the other hand, Fixed & Broadband eServices include Batelco Play and Broadband Service Provisioning. Other eServices include Webhosting form, email address availability check, and free link.
Recommendations to Introduce: New products or Services
Batelco should consider the price war within its service area to establish a reasonable pricing strategy without compromising quality and profitability of the group as a whole. Its pricing strategy for new products and services should maintain around 25% advantage below competitors in new markets. The price reduction should cover installation services, licensing fees, and custom services. Promotion of lead generation can be achieved through targeted sales call, advertising in social media platforms or trade journals, conferences, tradeshows,, and customer referrals. Batelco business model should be adjusted to focus on customer intimacy or customer excellence approach. New products and services should also be sold through direct and indirect distribution channels, including multi-tier operator, computer suppliers, system integrators and switch vendors. The company should also introduce products with unique features or features that exceed those offered by competitors. While competitors offer expensive services, the Group should strive to provide a broad range of telecommunication services at affordable prices. With the introduction of new products or services, the company should attempt to sustain its ability to scale up either horizontally or vertically in terms of systems configuration. In other words, the company should maintain an open environment while ensuring that service quality is optimized. Further, Batelco should continue to engineer scalability to its new products and services. It is worth highlighting that the introduction of new products and services warrants the sales and marketing training for its joint-ventures. Such training would be aligned with the Group’s commitment to the development of the comprehensive sales and marketing approach to sharing knowledge and experience relevant to all the markets in which the Group operates. In addition, such trainings would offer constituent entities a valuable platform to learn about innovative sales and marketing strategies that are evidence-based and have a track record of maintaining competitive advantage, enhancing customer experience and promoting the Group’s profile.
How to Improve Customer Service
Batelco can improve its customer service by providing various customer service channels to enhance their experience or satisfaction. For instance, the Group can increase the number of retail shops across its service network. More retail stores would improve accessibility for the Group’s customers. Accessibility to retail shops can also be enhanced by providing online information about their locations. These retail stores can handle the pressure of dealing with customers’ requests or queries. Batelco should also strive to understand customer trends in order to provide solutions that meet their particular needs. To achieve this, the company should establish long-term relationships with its clients. Innovation and efficiency in service delivery plays a critical role in the improvement of customer service. In order to improve customer experience or satisfaction, Batelco should take into account efficiency and innovation as core elements of the customer service delivery strategy. In other words, the Group should seek to optimize its customer service costs whilst continuing to allocate resources and implement new services and technologies. Innovative technologies promote service delivery, thereby attracting and retaining customers. In turn, the group will expand its customer base and pursue further profitable investments across its networks and the emerging markets of its focus. Further, the Group should invest in call centers to upgrade software and hardware there. In the same way, call center agents should undergo constant training to make sure that they are up-to-date with the new products or services, as well as the emerging challenges and about the ways to deal with them. The essence of continuous training is to not only synchronize with the internal and external changes in the Group, but also to motivate the call center agents. Motivated workers tend to have good relations with their customers. Electronic channels can also be improved to augment the customer service delivery. Social media platforms, including Facebook and Twitter should be given more resources, in terms of human resource to handle the ever growing customer traffic in these networks.
The Batelco Group is headquartered in Bahrain and continues to play a central role in the development of the country’s telecommunication infrastructure. Batelco provides products and services to businesses and individuals. Personal and commercial products include voice, mobile and broadband services. Mobile products include handsets, mobile broadband and roaming services for customers traveling abroad. To sustain the Group’s competitive advantage in the region, the company should focus on efficient service delivery and customer satisfaction. Customer service agents should be trained on a continuous basis to be flexible, multi-talented and adaptable to the ever-changing customer demands. Further, the company should improve its value model by creating a value-based proposition around its products and services. In fact, Batelco should search new avenues of cooperation with its existing customers. In summary, the Group should develop a marketing model dedicated to delivering unparalleled values.
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