It has become commonplace among the recording studios to reject the possibility of employing a person who is not well-experienced in businesses connected with recording audio products, such as record label, post-production facilities, studios, distribution facilities, music stores, live performance venues, etc. Since the recording industry is becoming more competitive on the market than before, there has emerged an opportunity for overseas students to obtain some practical skills and gain some hands-on experience by applying for a recording engineering internship

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What Are the Benefits of a Recording Engineering Internship?

When applying for a job in some recording studio or in the music industry, there is nothing more impressive than having a recording engineering internship listed in your CV. Still, these internships may only sound so prestigious to you. Actually, they involve not so prestigious but rather menial tasks, such as cleaning the studio or fetching some latte. The work may be strenuous, but the experience you gain will be invaluable to you and will surely pay off. Facility Manager of Phase One Studies located in Toronto, Donny Da Silva, among whose clients are Akon, Rihanna, U2, 50 Cent, and Sting, says that when he hires an intern, he always thinks whether the person he hires will be able to do the job for one of his guys for 3-6 months. A person who is excited about any job he/ she does and who accomplishes his/ her best will surely have promising career prospects. As a rule, many recording engineering internships taking place in summer are not paid. Besides, if you have decided to apply for one, it does not mean that you will get a full-time job afterwards. Nonetheless, despite all this, the pros outweigh the cons: you will get necessary practical skills and real-life experience. You will never get such knowledge and skills while learning in the classroom and not being involved into the real matters of things. Such internships provide students with a positive work referencing that will be important when looking for a permanent job in the field of recording engineering and other related areas. Moreover, these summer internships offer students an invaluable chance to establish contact with some experienced professionals in the field, and thus forge relationships with some famous businessmen. Overall, one of the numerous benefits is the ultimate landing of a full-time job and successful building of career. h3>How to Find a Recording Engineering Internship? When students want to find some recording engineering internships for summer, they are often assisted by schools where they study. Thus, they may be offered some internship opportunities in the local studios, where they could get hands-on experience and practical skills in the field of interest. It is advisable for students to establish a rapport with their professors, supervisors, and other members of their faculty as these are the people who may help them in finding a perfect option. At the same time, do not always rely on other people to help you with finding an internship – do your own research, read some feedbacks on the Internet, and specifically on the official pages of internships on social media. Besides, take the habit of checking trade journals and magazines for some valuable information on the topic. Moreover, you might be surprised, but even people living in the areas adjacent to the studios may know some useful information about the internships, so do not hesitate to ask them as well. {t_essay_2} Overseas student who express interest in applying for a recording engineering internship should conduct a research on the studios that are interested in. It is an important step to do before applying. First of all, it is important to find out what kinds of recording studios are located in their area, what kind of clientele base they have, which music they specialize in, etc. It is also crucial to pay attention to the fact whether the chosen music studios offer internship only for students who are receiving school credit or not. If school credit is the major case, then students who have already graduated and are interested in applying for an internship should ask for help of placement directors or internship coordinators that cooperate with their trade schools and colleges. Generally, students who are interested in applying for recording engineering internships in summer should take time for proper research before they make their decision. Such decision should be well thought of as a student should be definite in what kind he/ she will benefit the studio and vice versa. Nowadays, the recording engineering sphere has become increasingly competitive, so studios are not likely to take an intern unless he/ she will be of some benefit to them. As soon as students have decided what they want to derive from the internship, they are free to contact the chosen studio and ask whether there are any available internship options. In case of a positive reply, they should attach their resume and wait until they will be scheduled an interview.

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