The Mission and Vision of the Bloomington Transit

The Bloomington Transit Companys vision is the following. It plans to provide safe and high quality transportation services in a cost-effective manner, to make BT fixed route and BT Access service more attractive, to give special consideration to those whose transportation needs can most often only be served by public transportation. Moreover, the BT wants to contribute and cooperate towards the economic and social improvement of the community as well as provide a work environment for BT employees based on respect, integrity, and personal responsibility. This vision results in the missions of the Company. First, the Bloomington Transit aims at providing safe and high quality transportation services to the Bloomington community in a cost-effective manner. They want their services to be available for the general public, even those people with low income. In the same time supporting the customers with the comfortable transportation services that suite all the peoples needs. Moreover, the corporation wants to increase safety for all users of the transportation system. They care priory about the safety and comfort of the customers.

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The corporation usually strives to improve their services for customer to be satisfies. Thus, the Bloomington Transit makes fixed route and BT Access service more attractive to increasing numbers of people. They usually implement innovation and follow the new technologies of the transportation business. Convenience of people transiting is a prior mission. For this reason, they develop a truly multi-modal system. The corporation creates a fully developed network of alternative transportation facilities. The company reduces the number and length of auto trips. The routes are being developed for the convent and quick transportation of the passengers. Thus, the customers are eager using the conveniences of the company services, which try to involve and ameliorate. The Bloomington Transit gives special consideration to those whose transportation needs can most often only be served by public transportation, they include senior citizens, persons with disabilities, and economically disadvantage. Caring for those people promotes the increase in number of customers and the company increases its profits and popularity.

The transportation corporation provides contribution towards the economic and social improvement of the community. Making the services more available in comparison with the other proposing similar services companies makes the Bloomington Transit more attractive for the passengers. The company carries their duties legislatively paying all the taxes, providing statistics and reports to the government. The Bloomington Transit is playing fairly on the market. The corporation provides a work environment for BT employees based on respect, integrity, and personal responsibility. The company strives to give the comparable conditions of operating for its workers, supplying them with all the necessary equipment and information. The BT usually strives to implement innovations into its company to provide high-class service and enforce their positions on the market. They make transportation investments that are consistent with comprehensive plans The company develops a plan for the following years to proceed with the innovations. In the social environment, it makes transportation investments that protect the environment, promote energy conservation, and improve quality of life. The BT promotes sound transportation investments and maximizes financial resources. It plans to increase the companys profit making the conditions for people more convenient.

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Short-Term and Long-Term Organizational Goals for the Bloomington Transit

The vision and mission of the BT Company form its short and long-lasting goals for the future. These include all the aims and strive of the company to evolve itself in the future. Prior to setting the goals, the company administration makes analysis of the mistakes and achievements done in the previous years and trying to correct the mistakes and ameliorate achievements, is forming a plan for the development of the corporation for the following year as well as to the long-lasting perspective. The BT Company is going to work on issues as Legislative, Service Enhancements, Rolling Stock Replacement, Capital Infrastructure and Replacement, Technology, IU Unification, Regulatory Compliance, Marketing and Mobility Management.

Short-term goals

The short-term goals of the Bloomington Transit start with the legislative issues. First, the BT wants to work with the local State elected officials to establish a Local Option Income Tax (LOIT) authority to expand public transportation funding in Monroe County. This goal is short-term as transit funding has been flat or in some cases decreasing in recent years. The new investment sources are needed to grow and expand the transit services in the community. The company also plans to work with the Indiana Transportation Association (ITA) to advocate on a state level for growth in the Indiana Public Mass Transportation Fund. All these interactions and partnerships are needed to expand the sphere of services and improve its convenience. The BT purposes include the expanding of their services. The corporation plans to adjust schedules and routes number 6, 7 and 9. Rolling stock replacement goals involve the need of the replacement the buses on the routes by new ones for comfort of the passengers. For this reason, new shelters for the customers must also be installed. The BT plans to innovate its website and routes for better mobility. The capital infrastructure also requires changes by purchasing replacement support vehicles for maintenance and staff support including a new pickup truck and staff van in 2016, and replacement fleet maintenance and inventory software. The company plans to rehabilitate exhaust ventilation system in the maintenance garage to handle higher engine exhaust temperatures.

The BT usually strives for the technology innovations and ready to invest good money for it. The company plans to replace BT Access scheduling software and include new features such as online reservation portal and client notification portal as well as telephone system at Grimes Lane and install surveillance camera system. One more goal includes replacement of fuel management system to better track and management dispensing of diesel and gasoline fuels and providing management tools for monitoring and reporting. The corporation continues to use website as primary information tool for the public and keeps the site fresh with new content. The BT wants to use of the DoubleMap bus tracker to information the customers. Moreover, the Bloomington Transit plans to develop and implement 2016 Stuff-A-Bus campaign to contribute to the community well being and build brand awareness.

Short and long-term goals for the Bloomington Company

Together with the technologies, the company cares about the development of the Equal Employment Opportunity Plan, Title VI Plan Update, Asset Management Plan and Safety Plan, Security Plan. All these outlines are needed for the harmonic operating of the company where everybody knows his function. The BT also plans to subsidize the taxi voucher for people with disabilities to improve their transit services. The company continues partnership with the Area 10 Agency on Aging to manage and administer taxi voucher program.

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Long-term goals

Long-term goals of the Bloomington Transit are similar to its short-term goals but on a larger scale. Planning to work with the local and international Associations is long-lasting as the BT wants to make the companies its partners for a long-lasting perspective. The main issues lying between the BT and associations are the questions of investments and the industry development. The goals of the corporation on the services extension implement some long-term issues as work with the City for planning for new transit services to the new IU hospital which is set to open in 2020. The goals also include interaction with the city on the queries of possible annexation plans and how new transit services could be delivered to newly annexed areas in the future. The Bloomington Company plans to enrich and innovate their buses and shelters for the passengers comfort. The company is also going to extend their services buying vehicles for maintenance and staff support, replacement fleet maintenance and inventory software and rehabilitating exhaust ventilation system. These goals are long-lasting as the equipment must usually be innovated.

The new technologies will allow the company constant changes the online portal for reservation and buying, busy signal tracking technology and fuel management systems. Starting with the short-term goals, the BT begins purchasing bus parts for IU Campus Bus maintenance department with lost-term goal of eventually unifying bus maintenance and parts systems. The goal of short-term possibility of new Federal funding to supplement these services would be reviewed. The plans for the safety, security and asset management should also be developed in the long-term perspective. The new technologies in the System Map, Route schedules, and Double Map bus tracker will be implemented and developed in the long-lasting perspective as well.

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