Opportunities in Africa
Until recently, many people considered Africa a hopeless continent and a territory which is located in isolation from the international system. In the focus of the research about Africa, there is... read more >>

Some modern scholars claim that human consciousness could exist after ceasing the brain function. They have made a series of research to conclude that the human conscious could transform into... read more >>

The Role of the Title in The Use of Force by Williams
The title is a very important component of any literary text as it is supposed to attract the audience’s attention to the concepts crucial for understanding the message that the author wants to... read more >>

The Second Battle of Ypres
The Second Battle of Ypres is commonly mentioned in the historical chronicles as the first case of gas usage on the Western front line. The clash between the German Army and the French unit of... read more >>

Walking as a Free Man
Society has long been concerned about the problem of freedom. Does an individual have freedom? Can a person be self-sufficient in his or her actions and behavior? These issues are extremely important... read more >>

What is the Economic Growth of European Countries?
The European countries are integrated into one economic and political bloc under European Union consisting of 28 countries. There is a marked improvement in the integration owing to the successful economic... read more >>