Facilitation Strategies
12 Angry Men is a movie about a homicide case where the jury has to decide on whether the young man is guilty or not. The movie presents an interesting case where the majority seems to have been wrong... read more >>

Game of Television
People have different and often opinionated views on television: some shun and avoid it like the plague, others consider it the best mode of entertainment. TV critics have made an attempt to distinguish certain types of... read more >>

Gardner's Theory of Intellectual Development
A number of theories have been put forward in an attempt to explain the various stages of intellectual development. Humans often learn through three general categories including kinesthetic learners... read more >>

Gender Inequality in America
There are numerous factors that cause the exponential growth of prisons in the United States, such as the war on drugs, racism, and crime. It is apparent that America's prison's population is... read more >>

Japanese occupation of Hong Kong
Hong Kong has a great history under the Japanese occupation that took place from 25 December 1941 to August 15, 1945, also referred to “three years and eight months”. The history of... read more >>

Newman’s Theory of Health as Expanding Consciousness
Mary Jones serves as a nurse in the emergency room. The old man named Peter Jackson was sent to the hospital after suffering the massive heart attack. Unfortunately, he died immediately upon arrival... read more >>