Mary Jones serves as a nurse in the emergency room. The old man named Peter Jackson was sent to the hospital after suffering the massive heart attack. Unfortunately, he died immediately upon arrival. The male’s body was put in a private room thus enabling his wife Dorothy Jackson to say goodbye. However, it is hard for her to leave and accept the fact that her beloved husband died. Proficient nurse Mary Jones is asked to enter the room, talk to the widow, and get her to leave.
The strength of nursing in the consequent years will depend on the quality of services delivered to the patients and healthcare providers’ attempts to improve the health of the global community. Knowledge, practice, conditions, and trends should be taken into account. The most relevant theory for the case of the deceased man and his widow is the theory of health as expanding consciousness developed by the eminent theorist Margaret Newman. The core aspect of her studies is nursing. Nurses are encouraged to follow and evolve the pattern of interactions between the environment and patients. The four concepts specified in Newman’s study are interrelated. They include environment, human, nursing, and health. All these aspects are related to the case of the deceased male. However, the most important one is nursing as a nurse is responsible for assisting the widow to deal with her loss and get out of this deplorable state, apathy, isolation, and depression.
Nursing is seen as caring for needy and unhealthy people. Experience, skills, and quality help nurses to participate in this process and realize assigned duties fully. Nursing is based on the close cooperation between patients and nurses. Through her theory, Margaret Newman seeks to promote high level of consciousness in both clients and healthcare providers. Consciousness is the reflection of evolving interaction between an individual and environment. Newman’s theory has enriched nursing activity and improved the knowledge base. Nurses have started to view health as expanding consciousness. Moreover, the theorist has developed the pattern through which nurses can easily fulfill their obligations. The interaction of caregivers and clients should be based on the meaningful dialogue and the search for consensus in the case of controversies and disputes. Newman urges nurses not to focus their attention on the right, wrong, good, and bad things. Healthcare providers follow such aspects as the authenticity and impartiality while delivering care to communities, individuals, and their families. The effective interaction process leads to the necessary transformation. According to the theory, consciousness is evolved through the cooperation and meaningful dialogues.
The theory of health as expanding consciousness developed by Margaret Newman serves as a valuable tool to deliver timely and effective social and psychological care to clients, particularly a widow, who lost her beloved husband in the aforementioned case. Smith and Parker regard her model and approaches as valuable resources for the evidence-based nursing care. Therefore, it can be easily applied in various case studies. Nurses can succeed in their professional activity by utilizing Newman’s theory in practice. Even during the disorganization, healthcare providers can easily identify new opportunities, choices, and gain benefits from them in the course of time. The establishment of caring relationship enables nurses to develop further, weighted actions, as well as predict the direction that they will follow. New opportunities and choices increase connectedness, freedom, and enhance human potential.
Newman recognizes the fact that the concepts of environment and individuals are interrelated in the nursing process. The examination of these aspects leads to the complete understanding of one’s consciousness. If nurses understand pressing issues facing patients, their families, and communities, they get the power to promote the high level of consciousness and realize the process of prevention, recovery, and healthcare delivery in a proper manner. As most of the patients, who are in the state of chaos, cannot adequately respond to the current issues, the partnership between nurses and them can only improve the situation and help needy people cope with difficult life situations.
In most of the cases, nurses seek to address the client’s situation on their own without considering the potential for person’ growth. Partnership, attention, and cooperation enable the healthcare providers to promote the transformation in needy people. In this case, the high level of consciousness can be quickly reached. In addition to the core elements that underlie nursing practice within Margaret Newman’s theory, there are other important aspects such as the mutuality of interaction between patients and healthcare providers, time, expansion of consciousness, recognition of evolving patterns, promotion of wholeness, development, preservation, and the creation of trustful atmosphere.
The application of resonance mechanism significantly eases nursing practice. It also provides medical specialists with complete understanding of patients’ situations and concerns. Valuable and useful information guides nurses’ actions and understand the meaning of life for every individual. Owing to their ability, caregivers establish the close interaction with patients as only the productive dialogues can stimulate progress and help to reach the favorable outcome. While cooperating with clients, every nurse pays significant attention to the evolving meanings and patterns that affect the patients’ interaction with environment.
The theory of health as expanding consciousness developed by Margaret Newman educates every healthcare provider to look adequately at the situation and move through it properly. The theorist encourages nurses to examine individuals holistically, not only fixing their relationship. She also seeks to disengage caregivers from associating health only with control, manipulation, and power. Instead, emphasis should be put on the compassion and expansion of consciousness.
In reality, the theory of health as expanding consciousness can be applied in various situation and settings. Its application to the scenario involved the dead man and his desperate widow, who cannot deal with her emotional well-being, is useful. Proficient Mary Jones tries to do everything possible to help her cope with the issue. The productive dialogue and interaction between the widow and nurse are crucial as only the qualified medical professional can convince Dorothy to leave the room as she cannot help her deceased husband, teach how to live on, and assist in difficult life situations by finding necessary words to say, using the psychological approaches towards the issue resolution. As nursing is the core aspect of Newman’s theory, nurses widely refer to the theorist’s findings and studies that serve as a practical guideline in their professional activity.
In reality, the theory of health as expanding consciousness can be applied in various situations and settings, where caregivers find it appropriate to apply. The model offered by Newman promotes various caring interventions, which are relevant for most of the nursing care situations. Effective daily practice enriches psychosocial nursing care guided by beliefs and values. Meleis finds the theory useful as it reframes one’s thinking about techniques and concepts. Newman’s ideas and suggestions help to eliminate gaps in practice and research, as well as predict the potentiality. Therefore, nurses widely and successfully apply the theory in everyday practice as it generates their knowledge and guides their practice. It also helps to understand the specifics of their profession and enhance evidence-based nursing.
To conclude, Newman’s theory of health as expanding consciousness is applied in various settings and cultures due to the importance of continued care, social support, and health-supporting activities outside of the medical facilities. In this case, empowerment is of high priority. The core concept underlying Margaret Newman’s theory of health as expanding consciousness is nursing that focuses on health experience and caring. The fundamental role assigned to nurses is to assist patients in recognizing their patterns and promote the process of transformation. Changes occur due to the evolving nurse-patient relationship are aimed at critically and authentically evaluating the clients’ health status.