Progressive Delivery
At, we can deliver orders progressively (i.e. in part). This is a specially-designed service we offer to help you manage any papers that are relatively long and/or are quite complex. By this, we are referring to orders that comprise of 20+ or 10+ pages (depending on whether they are in double or single-spacing). Benefits of Getting Your Order Delivered Progressively:
- Allows the progress of orders to be tracked. Since orders are delivered in part, this option gives the customer the opportunity to approve each part before their paper’s final due date.
- Provides the opportunity for the customer to request revisions (for free) for as long as 30 days after an order is delivered (by comparison, the revision timeframe for standard orders is 2 days).
- Our top writers and editors are assigned to any order you place.
- Our company also assigns a personal manager to your order to ensure it is completed satisfactorily. These managers additionally make sure that all contact between you and your writer is facilitated in a manner that is as effective, efficient, and prompt as possible.
The following are the ways in which drafts are sent*:
- Orders with deadlines of up to 4 days: In these cases, the first drafts are sent when half (50%) of the agreed deadline has lapsed (e.g., if you set a deadline of 2 days, we will send you a draft in 1 day). Additionally, at this time, we send 25% of your paper (e.g., if your paper is 20 pages, we will send you 5 pages of draft).
- Orders with deadlines of 5 to 11 days: In these cases, drafts are sent when quarter and half (i.e. 25% and 50% respectively) of the deadline has lapsed. At these times, we send drafts of quarter and half (25% and 50% respectively) of your paper.
- Orders with deadlines of 12 days (or more): In these cases, drafts are sent when quarter, half, and three-quarters (i.e. 25%, 50% and 75% respectively) of the deadline has lapsed. At these times, we send corresponding drafts of quarter, half, and three-quarters (25%, 50%, and 50% respectively) of your paper.
More flexibility for a mere 15% of your order’s total cost * Where a paper is required by some other method(s), the team at will work with the customer to figure out a suitable plan based on the customer’s requirements and preferences. The personal manager assigned to the order will happily discuss the requirements of the customer directly with them to agree a mutually appropriate outcome.
Additional Service Options for Orders of Less than 20 Pages
One-Page Summaries
If desired, will send you a summarized version of your paper i.e. 1 page with all important information summed up so that you can see the key points at a mere glance. This is a service we recommend to customers who need to report regularly on their work’s progress.
One-Page Drafts
We also provide customers with 1-page draft papers upon request. Depending on whether you require double or single-spaced text, these drafts are provided (respectively) as 300-word or 600-word papers and can be made available when 50% of a deadline is reached. For instance, if a deadline is set at 4 days, we can send a draft in 2 days.
Extended Revision
As a standard part of our service offers its customers free revisions for up to 48 hours after we deliver an order. However, by extending this revision time, you will have up to 2 weeks (14 days) to review your paper and request revisions.

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